
Myspace for the church and youth group?

Over the past year there has been one site that has gotten more buzz and more critique beyond every other. Myspace is continually regarded as a place for a haven for Sexual predators and premiscuous teenagers, but sadly I believe it has been labelled way to badly. It is true there is alot of bad on myspace but it is only a reflection of our corrupted and imperfect world. For those of us who still do not the purpose of  this "vile" website, it is simply a place to remain connected with friends, family & network with interesting people. An individual creates their own myspace page, design the layout and add the people with whom they would like to be connected. On my personal page I have found many friends that I had lost contact with after highschool, and had a quick means to communicate quick messages to my current colleagues. These are only but a few reasons that Myspace is more than just a popularity contest...

Well, we might ask what does this have to do with my youth group or church? We all know that the church is the community and not the building, therefore our jobs as senior or youth pastors are to make sure that we can remain connected as a church outside the "building". What better way than through a connection site like Myspace? Church members can sign up, create their own page and be added to the Church's friend list. Not only that, but the youth group or church members can find each other just by being connected with the church myspace page. Two more great features about Myspace is that it comes with a blog and comments feature. In the comments section individual church or youth group members can add events, or announcements for the entire body, and the blog would be a great way for the pastor or whomever chooses to relay some type of message to the entire congregation. In the end the question probably isn't if it is right or not for the church but when they plan on using this vital resource.

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